
My name is craig.  Thanks for stopping by.  I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  When I lived in Texas I considered Oklahoma to be nothing more than an insignificant piece of property that bordered the great state of Texas.  Now that I’ve lived here since 1997 I’ve come to see Oklahoma really is the center of the universe.  There’s even a place in downtown Tulsa known to locals as the exact center of the universe.  Not bad for a state they had to give away.

I’m married to Amy.  We don’t have any children, but we do like them.  We are currently owned by three dogs.  Baby, Puddleglum and Caspian.  Puddleglum is pictured in the header of this blog.

Amy drives an ivory white Mitsubishi Endeavor.  I drive a gray-ish Pontiac Solstice.  When we want to get somewhere fast we take my car.  When it’s raining we take hers because I don’t like to expose mine to the elements.

Amy is a social worker who works for the hospice affiliated with St. Francis Hospital here in Tulsa.  She is very good at what she does.  All of her clients are dying.  She deals with death every day.  I don’t know how she does it.  She is more of a minister than I will ever be.

I work at the Memorial Drive church of Christ as a… well… we’re not too sure what to call it.  Some say “intern.”  I prefer “apprentice.”  The former has a certain Star Wars vibe to it that I like.  Anyway, for the next year I get to work with a preacher I admire, elders I respect, co-workers I enjoy and a church I love.  I’ll be practicing ministry on the young adults in particular, but the overall emphasis is to help me  be equipped for whatever opportunities in ministry await me at the end of my apprenticeship.

I’d rather eat a double portion of the entree instead of saving room for dessert.  My favorite drink is Big Red.  I think Homer Simpson is hilarious.  Elvis is my favorite entertainer.  And I think Ronald Reagan’s skeleton would make a better president than any politician of either party for the forseeable future.  So four more years for dem bones.

Above all I reserve my deepest love, highest regard and fiercest loyalty for Jesus Christ.  For as long as I can remember He has been my best friend of all best friends.

I love you Jesus.


  1. Thank you for this. It is a great reminder.

  2. Craig,

    Theresa told me that she read your blog. I had to get on and see what you were up to. It is always good to hear what’s going on with you.

    We are doing well here in Cozumel, Mexico. Who would have ever dreamed I would have ended up in Mexico – especially after all those trips to Mexico City and Toluca – but God tends to have a sense of humor and here I am.

    I am working on Rex to get his blog going…he sends me his sermons – but the more I can get from him, the better. I need to learn about this podcasting thing so I can get his sermons set-up on our website.

    Come and see us…you always have a place to stay on this tropical island!

    Your friend,


  3. Dennis you can’t imagine how funny I think it is that you are in Mexico. There is no greater proof to me that, indeed, God is the best comedian who ever lived. Unless he sends Wayne Dewindt down there also. Then I will die from laughing.
    I’m glad you’re well. I miss our conversations very much. We had a connection. Remember? Let’s agree to reconnect on our blogs.
    I love you,

  4. OK, I checked it out. Now lets get some good stuff on here!

  5. Dear craig,
    may the peace of God be with you today and always.
    MAy the blessings of God continue to reach you everyday as you serve Him faithfully.
    I am your christian from Nigeria , a preacher of the gospel with a small congregation of the lord that meets at Oyigbo Express Rd. in Rivers State Nigeria.
    I love your blog and the articles there.
    remain blessed working for Jehovav.

  6. Goodness gracious, Nigeria! I thank God for the blessings of the internet. Now I have a new friend – from Nigeria. I hope we can meet some day. Before the day we meet in Heaven. Your spirit is evident in the way you write . You are a good and noble man. I’m proud and happy that we are brothers. I pray God’s richest blessings upon your ministry, your life and your family. I would also like to hear of how your ministry is going. What is the Lord’s work like in Nigeria? What is good and powerful about the Lord’s church there? I’d love to hear that. Maybe we can learn something from you. Also, what does the the body of Christ struggle with in Nigeria? How are you? Is there something my blog friends and I can pray for you personally? You are not alone my brother. Our Mighty God stands by your side. And there are some mighty warriors here in America who would love to stand with you. To support your ministry. To support you. Let me know. And let’s be friends.
    I already love you,

  7. Craig, Glad to have found your blog. I was in Tulsa in the summer and was looking for you at memorial. When August rolls around I always think about Elvis and where he might be!??? You know we kept those conspiracy videos in circulation. Those were good times. Good to be back in contact with you.

    Benjy I love you. Your life is impressive to me. I’m proud to be your friend. We would of had fun in Memphis this year. It was the big 30 year death anniversary. As if the king were really dead. Ha! Not likely.

  8. Hey, Craig…haven’t read anything in a while…I’ve been praying for you…are you okay?


  9. Hi Craig remember me. Found yuo recently and just wanted to say Hi to youand Amy. Blesings

  10. Craig, Found your blog through Rex’s, and it reminded me of way back when. The passion you had every time you’d preach — and the passion it put into me, hearing you preach. I’ve found that when the opportunity to speak goes away, rather than it building up and exploding (as one would think), the passion somehow slowly just evaporates. Until you’re reminded again about that guy that still makes you scratch your head, that makes you want to hear what he’s about to say next, that makes you want to follow him wherever he goes…and that makes you, later, want to fall at his feet and promise him you’ll tell the world his story. I hope you still have that passion for Him. I’m finding mine again. His,

    James Rhoads

  11. How dare you write all those lovely things about Billy McGuiggan. Just because he deserves them and more is no good grounds for you to publish them.
    jim [green] mcguiggan

    Oh Lord help me, I’ve incurred the wrath of one of my big time preaching heroes. Have mercy. Jim, if you let me come hang out with you for a week, like Billy did, I’ll do my best to make it up to you. Meanwhile, let me say this- I admire your gene pool. And I admire you not for anything you have said from behind a pulpit or because of anything you have written in a book. I look up to you because of your commitment to your marriage vows. I love you.

    craig (red) hicks

  12. Why don’t you and Billy come and spend a week, Craig.

  13. Craig!!!!!Hicks!!!!

    I too found you through Rex’s site and I laughed so hard when I read the “Mexico Update” between you and Dennis!! HeHe — I feel the same way about the miraculous possibility of Wayne ever making it across the border for more than a few days. But I never give up hope of it!

    I agree with Benjy, or whoever it was that said they always think of Elvis when August rolls around, but I would have to add that I always think of YOU when I think of that…you do remember that message you left after my 1st child was born…on Aug 16th?? I will never forget that – or so many more moments. Just recently met one of your old youth group members – he has placed membership with us…Casey is his first name – can’t remember the last. We swapped Craig stories for an hour when I met him! Tell Amy hello and you REALLY ought to talk to Wayne. Love ya brother

  14. Hey Craig,
    Did you live for a time in Conroe, TX, and have a friend named Tim Morris? I’m looking for THAT Craig Hicks. I have wondered for years if he became a minister, as he dreamed of doing. Are you him?

    It is me Angela. You have found THAT craig hicks. And I’m glad. I’ve often thought of you and Tim over the years. I owe both of you everything. Email me and catch me up.

  15. Hey you. It’s been a long time!!! AIM..uhhhhh…1985, was it???? yep…85-86. This is “grandma” of the AIM class. Bernard and I (and our 7 year old, Logan) just moved back to Mexico, after being gone for 17 years. We’re taking over Belinda Moore’s house as she is having to go back to Lubbock. She hooked me up to your blog. I’m looking forward to reading it. I skimmed it. I laughed when the first thing I saw were the photos at the White House…my most vivid memory of you is when you phoned President Reagan via banana phone…what a nut!!! Check out my blog at mexsonshine.blogspot.com Take care. Alicia

  16. Bless you, Craig!!! We had wondered where you have been hiding!! It has been a LONG time since we’ve spoken to you…like 5 or 6 years and 2 kids worth of a long time! We haven’t seen you since working the Howard Books booth at Tulsa sometime before 2003! We found your name on a blog about coming to Monroe and speaking for DISCOVER for Forsythe COC. They say that you’ve been ill. I do hope that does not hinder your coming to Monroe. We have prayed for you often over the years and will continue to do so. Richest blessings to you.
    Tammy and Duane Anderson

  17. bonjours cher frere
    felicitation pour ton blog. je me prenome francis et je suis del’eglise du christ , et ce depuis 12 ans . je suis de la caraibe , de l’ile de la guadeloupe.
    j’ai beaucoup aimé ton blog donc j’ai voulus laissé un peit mot . que DIEU te benisse dans ton travail de predicateur

  18. I’m obligated to post so I can receive an email every time you add a new post. I hope you are well and am thankful to you for sharing your thoughts and insights. peace. hope.

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